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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Quantum gravity and biology.cmap, QUANTUM GRAVITY AND BIOLOGY 1. Quantum biology inspires the hypothesis h_eff=n×h of Planck constants labeling of levels of dark matter hierarchy. The quan- tal effects of ELF em fields on vertebrate brain serve as a motivation. a) h_eff is assigned with Kähler magnetic flux tubes carrying dark matter as phases of ordinary matter, which are macroscopical- ly quantum coherent for large values of h_eff. b) The model of quantum biology leads to the hypothesis that EEG serving as communications tool between biological and magnetic body consists of dark photons which decay to ordinary photons in visible and UV range. This im- lies that the value of h_eff is rat- her large, or order 10^14. c) The model for the communica- tions between magnetic body and biological body leads to the hypo- thesis that the value of h_eff depends on ion being proportio- nal to its mass number A, and thus has different value for each particle. This guarantees that the energy E= h_eff×f associated with the cyclotron frequency E_c= ZeB/2pi m is independent of the mass of the charged particle., QUANTUM GRAVITY AND BIOLOGY 2. Nottale's finding that planetary orbits seem to correspond to Bohr orbits in gravitational po- tential with gigantic value of gravitational Planck constant. a) By Equivalence Principle h_gr has the general form h_gr= GMm/v_0, where M and m are the interacting masses and v_0 is a parameter with dimensi- ons of velocity. v_0 seems to cor- respond to a typical rotation veloci- ty in the system formed by the masses. For three inner planets one has v_0/c≈2^(-11). b) h_gr characterizes gravitational interaction of two particles rather than being universal constant. The interpretation is that is associated with magnetic flux tube connecting the two systems and mediating gravitational interaction. The ex- changed massless extremals would be parallel to the flux tubes and condensed at them. c) The values of h_gr are gigantic. Equivalence Principle however al- lows to reduce the situation to ele- mentary and atomic level and consider only gravitational Planck constants associated with them. The reason is that gravitational acceleration does not depend on the mass of the accelerating sys- tem. The motion of planet would be treated by assuming that each particle moves independently but has initial value of position consis- tent with the condition of being part of the system with mass m. This condition could however just mean astroscopic quantum coherence allowing to have h_eff= h_gr=GMm/v_0. d) Equivalence Principle implies that gravitational Compton length for given M does not depend on particle mass m., QUANTUM GRAVITY AND BIOLOGY 4. An unexpected support for the proposal comes from the explanation of an ano- maly in measured Coo- per pair mass. a) The measured mass is larger than actual mass, actually larger than the sum of the masses of elec- trons: discrepancy is of order δm/m≈10^(-4). b) The mass is measured using so called Thomson magnetic field induced to rotating super-conductor. The proposal of Tajmar et al is that the actual mag- netic field is somewhat larger due to the presen- ce of gravimagnetic field. The predicted effect is however by 28 orders of magnitude oo small! c) Tajmar et al propose that for some reason the gravimagnetic field is ac- tually much higher and this would be due to so- me new gravitational phy- sics. d) Gravimagnetic Thomon field is proportional to the square of Planck constant and the obvious TGD pro- posal is that h replaced with h_eff=h_gr for Coo- per pair-Earth system co- uld explain the discrepancy. The guess is correct. e) If the explanation is correct, it means strong support for the TGD inspi- red identification of dark matter and for h_eff=nh unifying the two approach- es to dark matter., QUANTUM GRAVITY AND BIOLOGY 3. There is temptation to identify the two Planck constants: h_eff =h_gr. This at least in elementa- ry particle and atomic scales re- levant for the recent biological applications. a) That also h_eff would charac- terize two particle system is con- sistent with existing applications. b) The proportionality of h_gr to the mass of smaller system is equivalent with the proportionali- ty of h_eff to mass number A. c) Integer spectrum of h_eff/h is consistent with the dependen- ce of h_gr on masses since its value is so large that approxima- tion as integer is possible. d) The size of h_gr in elementary particle length scales should be same as that of h_gr. The first guess for M is as the mass of the Earth. v_0 would be naturally the rotational velocity of particle at the surface of Earth. A little calculation shows that the value of h_gr is of order 10^14 and consistent with the value of h_eff deduced from the hypotesis that dark EEG photons decay to bio- photons. e) The notion of h_gr generalizes to that for other interactions. For instance, in electromagnetic case the formation of strong em fields implying charge separation leads to systems in which h_em= Z_1Z_2e^2/v_0 is large. Pollack's exclusion zone and its complement define this kind of systems and is identified as prebiotic life form. f) Since the natural expansion pa- rameter of perturbative expansi- on is the g^2/4πhbar , one can say that transition to dark matter phase make the situation pertur- bative. Mother Nature loves its theorizing children!, QUANTUM GRAVITY AND BIOLOGY 5. h_eff=h_gr would make the existing model of quantum biology much more concrete. a) Penrose's vision about the importance of quantum gravi- ty in biology would be realized. b) The value of M/v_0 for Earth and the value of endoge- nous magnetic field with lower B_end≈.2 Gauss ((2/5)×B_E) would play key role in guaran- teeing that the energies of bio- photons are in visible and UV range characterizing anomic ionization energies and mole- cular binding energies. This would be crucial for the quan- tum biocontrol of living matter by dark magnetic body using resonant radiation at cyclotron frequencies to induced molecu- lar and atomic transitions. c) The long sought for coupling between dark physics and bio-chemistry would become possible. Each ions at ion-Earth magnetic flux tubes would ha- ve its characteristic frequency but same universal energy in given B_end characterizing the molecule to which it is co- upled. Also self-ionization by cyclotron radiation is possible for precisely defined value of B_end. d) The spectrum of B_end would correspond to energy spectrum of biophotons. e) Some interesting observa- tions. Planetary radii are of same order than their solar gravitational Compton length. The gravitatonal Compton length of particle with respect to Moon is 1.2 times that with respect to Earth.